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by 넫챠미K 2024. 5. 12.



- I couldn't read music, so normally I would've been dismissed. But he kind of saw somthing in me.

- From the very first band practice in high school, I felt "Oh, I found it. I found my purpose in life"

- The art college thing just blew my mind and without those years I wouldn't have been creatively prepared for what happened after.

- I've had a very privilaged upbringing. I've had a very expensive education.

- I got involved with left-wing stuff when I was at university.

- Everyone was like, "Why did you sign with EMI?" And we were like, "Well, because they had the Beatles, Queen and Pink Floyd. And they were the ones that believed in us."

- I don't want to be in a cupboard. I write music to actually communicate things to people.

- on a friady have changed their name to radiohead


- Talking heads - Radio Head

- John Leckkie

   -  George Harrison - All things must pass

   - The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses (1989)

- Jeff Buckley : 할렐루야

- Aphex Twin : "Warp" - Xtal, Flim, Avril 14th

- IDM (Intelligent Dance Music) : 감상형 댄스 음악

- Pablo Honey : Stop Whispering, Anyone Can Play Guitar

- The Bends : High And Dry, Fake Plastic Trees, My Iron Lung, Just

- OK Computer (1997) : Fitter Happier, Karma Police, No surprises, Paranoid Android, Lucky, Let Down

- Kid A (2000) : Everything in Its Right Place, How To Disappear Completely, Idioteque, The National Anthem, 

- Amnesiac (2001) : Pyramid Song, Knives Out, I Might Be Wrong

- Hail To The Thief (2003) : 2+2=5, Where I End and You Begin, Go To Sleep, There there
































